School Development Plans

Our School Development Plan

Our School Development Plan (SDP) is our strategic plan for improvement.


  • It allows the whole school community to understand the school’s areas for development
  • It provides everyone with a clear understanding of the school’s goals and how they will be achieved
  • It contains timescales for implementation to ensure accountability
  • It allows the school to determine how to effectively use resources to meet goals
  • It helps the school to budget and determine spending priorities
  • It clarifies the key priorities the school believes are the most important to address at this time


Our aim is to be a continually improving school so we constantly review everything we do based on self-evaluation (SEF), assessments, observations, feedback, and the needs of our pupils.

These reviews help us to identify priorities and form the core of our SDP. The SDP is an evolution as we embed high-quality teaching and learning in all areas of the curriculum. Each year we publish our Development plans and welcome any feedback from pupils, parents, and the school team on how we can further improve and develop the work of the school.

During the year we get feedback from our pupils through our School Councillors, eco-warriors, librarians, pupil voice for subject leader reports, pupil meetings with Governors, forums with parents, training sessions, parent evenings, surveys, to name a few. But we can always improve, so if you have any suggestions to add to our School Development plan please let our Governors know.

You can speak to any parent Governor or share your ideas by contacting our Chair of Governors email:


We welcome your feedback