Friends of Tithe Barn (PTA)

Welcome to Parents and Friends of Tithe Barn School.

FOTB (as we are usually known) is the Parent/Teachers Association which supports the life and work of the school through volunteering and raising funds for key priorities with the children. FOTB is run on a voluntary basis by parents/guardians/carers of children in the school and by school staff.

Parents and Carers can join the groups Facebook page to find more information about events and fundraising. FOTB Parent Facebook

All parents, carers, guardians and staff are automatically members of FOTB and are welcome to attend meetings as and when they can make it.

FOTB is a registered charity  and works solely to raise funds for Tithe Barn School, co ordinating fun fundraising activities and working in areas where an extra pair of hands is needed, like gardening in our allotments!! The funds that are raised are used to purchase additional resources which we could not afford to buy from the Schools budget and make the world of difference to our childrens’ learning environment.

To raise these much needed funds we need the support of everyone who is part of the Tithe Barn community, future, present, past pupils, parents, grandparents and family are all welcome to join in. Whether you can help with time,making and baking,donating resources or money (which is always welcome and can be gift aided to make it go even further!!), or just coming along, joining in and enjoying,as they say every little helps. So if you have an idea or an hour to spare we always need volunteers, you don’t need to commit a lot of time and we always have fun!!  please contact the school office with your contact details.

A little help makes a huge difference!!

We also have a Preloved Uniform Shop - click here to have a look