Pupil Premium

Purpose of Pupil Premium

The pupil premium grant is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England. In the financial year 2023-24, pupil premium spending will increase to almost £2.9 billion.

We want to support all schools to use the wealth of evidence of ‘what works’, evaluated by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), to use this funding effectively.

Pupil eligibility

The following groups are eligible for pupil premium:

  • pupils who are recorded as eligible for free school meals, or have been recorded as eligible in the past 6 years, including eligible children of families who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
  • children looked after by local authorities, referred to as looked-after children
  • children previously looked after by a local authority or other state care, referred to as previously looked-after children
Tithe Barn Primary School Pupil Premium Policy

Pupil Premium Eligibility

Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding are those who:

• Have been eligible for Free School Meals within the last six years, or have been identified as
eligible this year
• Are looked-after children (LAC), defined in the Children Act 1989 as one who is in the care of, or
provided with accommodation by, an English local authority
• Are children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales
because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence
• Are children of service personnel.
For further information, please consult the Department for Education website

The use of the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) ensures that as a school we are providing a safe, happy
and motivating environment that encourages the whole school community to achieve their full
potential both educationally and socially.

Funding Allocation
At Tithe Barn Primary School we are committed to targeting the use of the Pupil Premium funding
strategically to diminish the difference between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and those
from more affluent backgrounds.
Our aim is to ensure that:

• We eliminate barriers to accessing and achieving full potential within the core curriculum
through a strong focus on literacy (reading, writing and communication) and numeracy skills.
• Teaching and learning opportunities are designed, delivered and evaluated to meet the needs of
all of the pupils; the focus is on developing all aspects of outstanding teaching and learning, as
well as implementing appropriate interventions which are specific to the individual child’s needs.
• We develop the whole child, building resilience and providing appropriate emotional support to
nurture each individual child’s well-being.
• The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Governing Board make the best and most appropriate use
of funding that contributes to the best outcomes and pupil achievement.
• All data is analysed and comparisons made with national and local data so that the progress and
achievement of disadvantaged pupils can be compared to non-disadvantaged pupils.
It is recognised that some strategies funded through pupil premium funding will have an impact on
skills that are more difficult to measure, such as social and emotional development. The impact is
hoped to be transferable and to support improved progress, achievement and better learning

Where appropriate, the following strategies will be considered for use:
•Small group intervention in Literacy and/or mathematics
• 1:2 learning support
• Focused work and opportunities to raise self-esteem or to solve problems
• Access to outside agency support both for the family and for the pupil
• Alternative resourcing to meet the needs of the individual learner
• Donations towards residential trips or enrichment activities.
• Forest Schools
Our Learning Mentor is Diana Vose

• The Governing Board will receive regular reports on the spending of the Pupil Premium funding
and this spending is monitored for effectiveness by the personnel, finance and curriculum
• The cost effectiveness will be measured against the progress made by those funded by the Pupil
Premium funding and compared to the rest of the cohort within school and nationally.
• An annual report will be presented to all stakeholders via the website.

Teaching and Learning

All teachers will be made aware of those pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding and will ensure
that provision is allocated to meet their individual needs. The progress and outcomes for these
pupils are identified and analysed at termly pupil progress meetings.


Strategies providing the greatest impact are identified through the Sutton Trust which is a national
research organisation dedicated to improving social mobility through education. The strategies are
monitored and those having greatest impact are used with other children; those deemed less
effective are altered. As a school we always take into account cost and impact effectiveness when
making decisions.

Involvement of the wider community

All stakeholders are made aware, through our website report, of the school’s entitlement to Pupil
Premium funding and what impact this spending has had on the progress of those pupils eligible for
the funding grant.
Please find further details on free school meals here
If your child is in Key Stage 1, please contact the school office who will support you with this process.
If your child is in Key Stage 2 you can contact the school office who will support you with this process, or apply online.
If your child is eligible for free school meals please apply as the school will receive the pupil premium funding to support our pupils' learning journey in school.

Apply for free school meals Stockport Council


You can apply for free school meals if you receive:

  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit (provided your household income is less than £7,400 a year after tax and not including any benefits you get)
  • income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • income based Job Seekers Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit only with an income of less than £16,190
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit

Before you start

You'll need to know your National Insurance number.

Note: you do not have to send proof of your qualifying income. We'll verify your claim with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).